The Help Center
What is the minimum amount of boxes i can store?
There is no minimum ammount of archive boxes you can store with us, we accept single boxes or can box even single files for you. Your box will be numbered and stored away securely.
Can you collect my storage boxes for me?
Yes we have vehicles to collect boxes your premises and through our courier network we can collect boxes from across the UK.
What return options do you offer?
We can offer physical or digital returns, digital returns we can offer within the hour depending on size of files that need scanning. We can offer same day returns for physical items for customers across the vast majority of the UK.
Will you collect my boxes from another storage facility?
Yes of course, in fact this is one of the most common means of us taking on a new customer in our market, and we do this often. We also alow for customers to drop their own boxes in to us too if they want to do that.